About Us
We are 106 United Methodist Congregations with one uniting vision – “To equip local churches, clergy and laity to be effective in
making disciples for Jesus Christ.”.
Supporting churches from Fauquier County through the Northern Neck to Tidewater.
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Latest News
Check back often to make sure you are up to date on what’s going on in the District.
Welcome our new District Youth Coordinator
With a strong connection to the Mission Rivers District, having served as Youth Leader at Bellamy United Methodist Church in Gloucester, Chris Incze combines effective leadership, faith-based mentoring, and a[…]
Read moreERT Basic Spring Training
We are establishing a new district-wide mission capability to help those here in our community who are experiencing a disaster (tornado, house fire, flood, wind damage). This will also broaden our volunteer base[…]
Read moreOur Staff
It takes some dedicated people to make the work of the district happen.
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